The Importance of a Safe Jobsite
Every company has a general duty to ensure the health, safety, and welfare of its employees, customers, contractors, and anyone else who may be affected by its activities. At Tri-Point Construction, we put an emphasis on Safety.
It is a culture within our organization. At TPC our employees buy into the idea that we look out for each other and hold one another accountable daily to ensure that everyone makes it home safe and injury-free. Tri-Point Construction understands that people who feel safe in their work environments are more productive and confident in their jobs.
We are committed to ensuring that they have this type of work environment on each project. Tri-Point Construction has had no recordable OSHA lost workday or OSHA recordable incident cases in its 15-year history. We currently have a TIRR # of 0. Our EMR is currently .74 for the last 5 recorded years. Our formal written safety policy includes programs for safety monitoring as follows:
Noise Awareness
Manual Lifting
Lock Out Tag Out
Ladder Safety
Hand and Portable Power Tools
Heat Illness Prevention
First Aid and CPR
Electrical Safety
Fall Prevention
Confined Space
Bloodborne Pathogens
Compressed Gas
Rigging Material
Welding and Cutting

These programs were written and implemented to ensure a safe workplace culture for everyone. For more about our safety programs look us up on ISNET WORLD.
Some of the procedures we have in place to ensure a safe working site are as follows:
Pre-Job planning and hazard analysis
Tool box safety meetings
Written substance abuse policy
Subcontractors adhere to the same company policies
E-Verify background checks